Friends of the Jordan River Watershed understand that the Chestonia, Star, Warner, and Jordan Township Boards are proposing to open up the roads in the Jordan River Valley to ORV and ATV use.
We, along with many other organizations, are opposed to opening up the roads in the Jordan River Valley to ORV and ATV use for multiple safety issues for riders and concerns for the area’s natural habitat and the quiet area of the Jordan River Valley.

FJR is looking at upwards of $60,000 in legal fees to fight ORV and ATV usage on selected Jordan River Valley seasonal roads. Please help support this important effort by donating. We need your help!
View Opposition Letter from Friends of Jordan River Watershed
The Friends of the Jordan River Watershed oppose this proposal to open the roads through the Jordan Valley for ORV/ATV use. CLICK TO READ MORE
View Letter from Conservation Resouce Alliance
CRA works throughout 15 counties in Northwest Michigan and roughly half of our current stream restoration projects address problematic stream crossings and contact points on our local roads in partnership with local, state, federal, tribal, and for-profit and non-profit entities. With all these projects CRA and partners are continuously striving to balance reconciling and maintaining the high quality natural resources that Northern Michigan is known for, while also providing safe transportation and proper access. CLICK TO READ MORE
View Opposition Letter from Michigan River Guide Association
The Michigan River Guide Association exists to support and defend Michigan river guides in their efforts to provide customers with high-quality services, uphold ethical and responsible business practices, and to safeguard and improve Michigan’s river fisheries via advocacy and conservation. It is for this reason that the MRGA opposes increased ORV use within the Jordan River valley and in close proximity to our state’s waterways. We urge the appropriate government agencies to prohibit expanded use of ORVs within these areas. CLICK TO READ MORE
View Opposition Letter from Tip of the Mitt
The operation of ORVs in Chestonia Township will likely negatively impact the environment through 1) spreading invasive species and 2) increasing siltation/erosion into waters which also 3) disturbs water quality and aquatic habitat to the detriment of fish and other aquatic species. CLICK TO READ MORE
View Opposition Letter from the Department of Natural Resources
Upon review, we do not believe that opening Jordan Valley Road or any associated connecting roads that are currently closed to ORV use is prudent and we recommend that these roads remain closed to ORVs. Our concerns include potential natural resource damage, adverse imacts to the natural character of the area, conflict with established uses, law enforcement, human safety, and maintenance challenges as outlined in this letter. CLICK TO READ MORE