If you have (or are going to) submit printed images by dropping them off OR by sending them to us, you can opt to pay the discounted rate but still pay by credit card by filling out this form.

You can also use the form to submit digital copies of images. We appreciate the digital images as that allows the highest quality images for printing.

For more information, visit the contest page.

Thank you for submitting to the photo contest!


Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Images are to be submitted online only, the option to submit printed images is no longer supported. Please fill out the following information:

IMAGES SUBMITTED THROUGH THIS FORM WILL NOT BE PRINTED. This form is to "pay online" if you mailed or dropped off images. This is also a way to submit digital copies for us to use during calendar design to get the highest quality image. Judging will be based on the image you printed and submitted to us. Please submit high-resolution, HORIZONTAL (not verticle, square, etc.) photos only. See the website for full contest details. To select more than one image, from the dialog box you can press "Ctrl" + "select/click" to select and upload multiple images in the single field. We have included an image title field, but we will use the names you provide with your printed image.

This is ONLY for images that you have submitted in person/via mail to give you an option to pay online. From the dialog box, you can hold the ctrl key and select all of your image files to upload multiple images into the box.

Select the number of photos you are submitting. Since you are providing the printed image, the fee is only $5 per image, but this way you can submit online.

$5 per image. These images will NOT be printed. You are responsible for sending in printed image with the tag that says your name and image title on each image.

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